Monday, July 28, 2008

The 3 mistakes of my life

Just finished reading the book . Well to be honest , it wasn't one of the best but still gud for a brisk read .

Has a healthy and canny beginning . One is reminded of the first novel frm the author . Three buddies - one of them a hell of a dude(Ish) , one a dud (Omi), and the third the protagnist itself (Govind) and a beatutiful cute girl trapped by her parents in the cages of her own haouse , except the fact this time she turns out to be sister of her best friend .

Then the plot ... well turns to be much same as the first -----taking risks , doing something new and ending up screwing bigtime with the exception of the plot being in the Gujrat with some how ral looking characters in a little dull plot .

Now the style seems to be trademark Chetan Bhatat ..... Those quality one liners that make you laugh even if you don't ponder over them . mixing Science nd stuff with real life for such fun

for instance "why coudn't evolution figure it out that men like beautiful women only and thus ugly ones keep cropping up even when not needed"

and "why cant men stop watching beauty " when he was noticig the beauty of girl crying at a critical time .......
and like
Unlike the first one it ends in sorrow with the dudu being killed ;-(. but i guess you expect these in a real life drama .......

so a good book but only worth a single read (so borrow it rather than having a copy of yours ...;-))